Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Maximize Return On Investment (ROI)
There are seven metrics you can use to determine whether an investment on your behalf is trustworthy.
Return On Involvement
Really this is the key to anything we are involved with. Time is not proportional to involvement. What you did, do, and bring to the table should make a positive difference. Think of it this way, without involvement your ability to benefit can only go so high. Involvement is not a onetime occurrence. It must be fueled at the right time. Listen first by asking why something is being done and then make a decision on whether your involvement can help. Timing is everything.
Return On Image
Through involvement we create an image of ourselves to others. Image is more than appearance. I'm not saying dressing nice and being clean is not worthy. What I am saying is image should put in others mindset what you are doing is helpful and worthy of consideration. By doing so, others will join you because it's important.
Return On Imagination
Ask yourself, if we do this what it will look like. How can we make it grow to create an even more robust marketplace and society? This is where a facilitation session would help tremendously.
Return On Intensity
Once imagination is lit, filter the items into goals. For each goal find the metrics needed to keep you on track and measure results. Over time these metrics may evolve, however, most will be mainstays. Then, we have a tune to march to. March we will because the intensity created brings more fun and a rush of endorphins. Just be sure to pace yourself or you'll get out of control, run into stress, burnout, and a load of other problems.
Return On Intelligence
As we accomplish goals we discover new found knowledge and intelligence. This intelligence has a tremendous amount of usefulness. It is street smarts through practical application and distribution to verticals, industries, government, and society.
Return On Influence
Your return on influence becomes greater because those who may have thought in the involvement phase it wasn't of interest now jump on board because they want to be involved with it. They don't want to miss anything. This creates new relationships and make sure you leverage them to benefit you and the people who have been with you. Of course, new relationships allow us to venture into other exciting areas and have other trusted and trustworthy allies on our side. Even those who might have been once opposed to you may be a part of your endeavor. That's alright.
Return On Investment
Compete and if there still isn't justification to put in your work, time, and money then it probably isn't a good investment for you because you will not receive a return in all the areas mentioned and the bottom line, profitability (money), will not increase. However, if there is justification then pursue with vigor and watch your bottom line grow. Now you have a return on investment giving you more options to help, support, and serve others. Be patient, persistent, and convincing to see your return on investment. Depending on the situation it can be instant or take years. What you'll see are people jockeying for position. You may think, what took them so long. That's just the way business is. Take them by storm to accelerate. You might be surprised they want to create a wave of fun results faster. Of course, when it's real good the sooner it happens the better.
In each section above identify examples of investments where you were on both sides. This will empower your mindset to relate to the mindset of those who are on your side, on the other side, neutral, or need to be recruited.
Labels: imagination, influence, intelligence, intensity, involvement, return on investment
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