Friday, February 08, 2013


The Good News About Consistently Being In The Zone

                           "Get In The Zone More Often."  - Raj Gavurla



The Good News About Consistently Being In The Zone

1. Nutrition
What you eat really makes a huge difference in all aspects of your life. Eat right to raise the bar in work, athletics, and free time with family and friends. Put together your nutrition plan.
Here's mine:
I drink water, decaf tea, milk, decaf coffee. I don't drink caffeine. I drink decaf. I don't eat refined sugar including artificial sweetners. I eat fruit. I don't drink alcohol. I eat well (a variety of foods).  An entrepreneurial idea is to make me a new drink I can drink. 

2. Health
If needed, take treatments and supplements as needed.
3. Spiritual 
Read a chapter from a spiritual book to inspire your soul.
4. Work 
Produces endorphins like exercise does.

5. Exercise
Do a variety to keep it interesting and fun. Know what to do to avoid injury, pain, and boredom.
6. Spend time with family and friends
It's rejuvenating to socialize.
7. Meditation 
Clears your mindset and unclutters your thinking to progress and achieve goals
8. Listen to something motivational 
It will stimulate you and get rid of negativity.
9. Downtime for relaxation 
There are a variety. A simple example is to sit on the deck at night and feel the cool breeze.
10. Prayer 
Gives hope and makes the world a better place to live
11. Sleep 
Allows your body to rest, heal, and be your best tomorrow.
Here's the great news! Although implementing and doing each of the above increases your ability to perform "In The Zone", you feel it!  You can be "In The Zone" now without doing each one. Get "In The Zone".  You feel it!  You're "In The Zone!"

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