Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Thinking Tools

"It's critical to keep adding thinking tools to your mindset to improve performance to be better." - Raj Gavurla

Thinking Tools
During a recent visit to my sister's place, my four year old nephew was dribbling a basketball. He really impressed me! To raise the bar to another new best level for him, I told him to keep his head up while dribbling. Usually, children and less often adults won't because the "thinking tool" in their mindset is "look at the ball to dribble." As readers of my e-zine, you know a "thinking tool" I use when working with clients is to use "logical emotion".

As you can see my instruction, "keep your head up" didn't use the thinking tool, "logical emotion". The logic was there because to raise the bar in dribbling the basketball the head must be up so you can read the defense, pass, or shoot. Watch NBA point guards to prove the point. My instruction should have been "keep your head up to make it easier (show him how and why)." Then, instruct him to "dribble like you're in a game so you can read the defense, pass, or shoot to win." The emotion has been added, "easier, show, and win" and the logic enhanced, "read the defense, pass, shoot". Putting both logic and emotion together is my thinking tool, "logical emotion".

When giving instructions to colleagues or clients in person or on the phone, make sure to use "logical emotion" not logic on its own or not emotion on its own. You'll raise the bar to another new best level. Each person's trustworthiness level and interest increases. It only takes a few more words, saves time and produces better results to win, make money, grow, and evolve to prosper. Use the thinking tool, "logical emotion" at work and home to enhance your business and life.

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