Friday, June 12, 2009


Connection Between Inspiration, Motivation, Attitude, Mindset, and Mood

We all have a mood and some people at work or in sports have to work with a mood disorder to perform.
You can still lead the life you want by making intelligent efforts to learn about your mood and what needs
to be done to benefit from it. Included are the workings between inspiration, motivation, attitude, mindset,
and mood for you. Here is a very useful excerpt from a discussion with Dr Jane Mountain, MD and then the
sharing of my expertise.

Discussion Excerpt:
It's important to understand that mood is far more than emotions. The root word comes from derivations that include "mind", "spirit", "courage", "to strive strongly", 'be energetic", "custom", "customary behavior". When we understand that bipolar disorder affects far more than emotion, we realize that our cognition or "logical emotion" is also affected. Learning wellness skills deals with the broader definition of "mood" and require us to work from many different perspectives to find wellness.

Sharing of my expertise to help medical professionals understand a mood disorder better:
As you put it well mood is more than emotion. To grasp it think of driving a stick shift (5 gears).

Relationship Between Motivation (Gear 4) and Inspiration (Gear 5)
Attitude (Gear 3)
Mindset (Gear 2)
Relationship Between Mood (Gear 1) and Subconscious

Your motivation has a relationship with your inspiration

Your motivation controls your attitude
Your attitude controls your mindset
Your mindset controls your mood

Your mood has a relationship with your subconscious

Therefore, to produce spirit-enhancing results (the best results) all of them should be sychronized. Think of a time you

excelled (I bet all those were synchronized). Think of a time you didn't excel (I bet all those were not synchronized)

Be A Hero!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Speak What Your Heart Thinks

"When communicating, speak what your heart thinks." - Raj Gavurla

Lessons are suppose to be taught ahead of time in a positive way to make dreams and goals come true. Do you work on your mindset, mood, and motivation prior to each important situation? While working with business leaders and athletes to complete my interactive coaching process to Destroy Their Self-Defeating Voice and Listen for Their Inner Voice, my clients have to in-grain a specific mindset to make it easier to accomplish their dream and goal. Here are two tips to make this easier:

Tip 1. Use a cue word to keep you in the right mindset. A cue word is one word, however, when used it helps you think, see, and feel winning by its meaning to you (more than one word) and what it does for your mindset, mood, motivation, and subconscious. Think of this cue for clarity since you worked hard to get it to keep your mind from wandering (focus). The cue is what is needed to win. It gives you a clarity of purpose.

Tip 2. Structure allows for creativity and mechanics allows for results. This means both structure and mechanics are done right to produce creativity and results. For example, think of structure and mechanics as the fundamentals. Now add your creativity and results to benefit clients, members, and fans.

Ex: 1. In business: Your company had it's best revenue year because of the programs you invested in for your

2. In sports: Your team won the championship because of the programs you invested in for your players

Study and practice these tips to become more aware and to increase your performance to win. While working with organizations and sports team who are at the professional, amateur, and children level, the higher the level the more important empowering their mindset, mood, and motivation to win is. It's usually the difference between winning and losing. Be a winner! Help your teams' dreams and goals come true.

For information about my programs, seminars, workshops and private coaching programs, click here now:

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