Wednesday, November 17, 2010


New Patterns of Thinking

"New patterns of thinking rejuvenates by relieving stress, tiredness, and causes good action." - Raj Gavurla

New Patterns of Thinking
Having a system in place has benefits because you know what works. However, relying solely on this system without realizing your organization, personnel, and marketplace are constantly looking for positive change to grow and evolve will render your former great system to be less productive and lose worthiness. In order to modify and tweak a system to save time, be prepared for positive change to grow and evolve, and to create value, new patterns of thinking are needed.

1. What motivates and inspires your passion to produce results?
2. How is your attitude adjusting to create a system that in the future doesn't need to be completely obsolete?
3. What new patterns of thinking do you engage in to save time and money?
4. Your mood and subconscious should help you. They shouldn't get in the way by not considering new patterns of thinking so adjustments can be made to be more productive and profitable.

Think, plan, think, do and then make it a loop. It works wonderfully for your system to grow and evolve.

Earn Respect and A Right (Nonlegal Type)?
It's sad to see on TV some people saying respect is earned not given, a right (nonlegal type) is earned not given. If this mindset and mood continues, we'll definitely experience an economic and moral decay. We are human. As humans, we have the obligation to see each other succeed. By setting each other up for success we'll experience an economic and moral boost.

The first steps to set each other up for succes is by giving respect (not having to earn it)and by giving a right, nonlegal type, and not having to earn it.

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